“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

Autumn is the season for balance. Summer has gone and Winter is coming. Old leaves must fall so that new leaves can grow. Much like our lives, we must let go of things that hold us back so that we can grow and thrive. This doesn't mean not having goals or lowering your expectations. It's about becoming emotionally detached from the outcome. For example if your goal is to lose weight to be able to squeeze into a size 6. Sometimes we set goals for ourselves which are un-achievable because we have rejected other underlying factors which may effect the outcome. ie genetics. But if we are able to accept and manage the shortcomings or limitations, we come out the other end feeling more accomplished and successful. For example, tweeking our goals so that it suits our circumstance.
There is an art to letting go of the things we can't control ( ie expectations, ideas, emotions) becuase it requires emotional intelligence. That is being able to recognise self acceptance and lowering the need for validation from others by detachment from what we think makes us worthy individuals. If we just exercise because we want to be healthy, we are more likely to stick to the routine then attaching exercise to more negative emotions such as having to exercise to get rid of the ugly fat from our body. It is a kind of a silly thought process because having a little fat is normal. Negative emotions such as dissapointment, feeling unworthy, or feeling like you are a failure can lead to self destructive behaviour. Sometimes goals such as weight loss weight loss doesn't come on immediately. Often it is a lot of hard work with small changes before we can see dramatic changes. Some people abandon the process before it has the time to takes its course. The logic behind this idea seems backwards but if you really think about it, if you accept and feel good about yourself or a situation before the process... you will be the same or better after the process and vice versa.
Letting go of emotions as they come is hard... emotions good or bad... are supposed to be felt.. it's what makes us human.